
연암과 다산 사이

블로그 이미지
문패 달고 보니까 넘 커다란 이름이네요 ^^; 행여 고래 등 사이에 끼인 새우가 되지 않기를 ㅎㅎ 연암은 고미숙님의 '열하일기, 웃음과 역설의 유쾌한 시공간'에서, 다산은 '다산연구소' (http://www.edasan.org)에서 삘 받았슴다. 잼난 놀이터가 되었으면... ^^
by 명랑만화
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01-30 00:02

** Colon :
1. To introduce a list
e.g. I'm attaching three different documents: a list of items, an invoice, ana d contract sheet

2. To introcce a single item ( emphasis )
e.g. There is one important thing you need to prepare before the meeting: read the contract sheet carefully

3. To introduce a direct speech or a quotation
e.g. My manager stood up and said loudly: "Finish the project by tomorrow!"
e.g. We need to follow what it says in the contract: "The payment should be made via cheque or bank transfer."

4. To introduce an explanation
e.g. You don't need to read all parts of the manual: the test will be on chapter 2 only

** Semi Colon ;



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