
연암과 다산 사이

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문패 달고 보니까 넘 커다란 이름이네요 ^^; 행여 고래 등 사이에 끼인 새우가 되지 않기를 ㅎㅎ 연암은 고미숙님의 '열하일기, 웃음과 역설의 유쾌한 시공간'에서, 다산은 '다산연구소' (http://www.edasan.org)에서 삘 받았슴다. 잼난 놀이터가 되었으면... ^^
by 명랑만화
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02-26 00:03

** Reference
http://milli.tistory.com/14 ( sed )
http://slog2.egloos.com/3689816 ( sed, awk )
http://wiki.kldp.org/wiki.php/Awk ( awk )



** Shell
https://jhnyang.tistory.com/57 : [리눅스] 셸(Shell)이란? 셸의 변경, 쉘 개념, 기능, 종류와 특징(sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh) 


- A kind of utility between user and kernel 
- Check shells
  > echo $SHELL  // current shell
  > cat /etc/shells   // available shell
  > cat /etc/passwd | grep root   // default shell during log-in


- 1st line of shell script file
#!bin/bash -> Execute the script with bash shell

( '#!' : use the following program )

cf. 'setenv' command is not available in bash(#!/bin/bash). csh(#!/bin/csh -f) is recommended for script.


- Variable
* Declaration 
Syntax 1 : set variable_name = variable_value   ## General
Syntax 2 : set variable_name = (value1 value2 value3 … valuen)  ## Set 


 " " : "String, Space, etc."
 ( ) : (multiple contents with space) 


 cf. unset


* Reference
Syntax : $variable_name, $variable_name[index]


* from standard input
Syntax : set variable_name $<


* argument
1st :  $argv[1]   ## There is no $argv[0] in C-shell


cf. setenv : used in other application  /  set : used in Shell

** Special characters in sed, shell
. * [ ] ^ $ \ `
=> if you want use these characters as the character itself, '\' is added before them

e.g. Replace {`include "} for {`include "/user/bin/bin}
=> sed 's/\`include "/\`include "\/user/\bin/\bin/g

** Regular Expression
- ^ : 1st column of the line
- $ : Last column (or line) of the line ( or file )


** mv, cp, rm
unix> mv dir1/ dir2/   // change directory name from 'dir1' to 'dir2'
unix> mv dir1 par_dir/.  // move dir1 directory into par_dir


unix> cp -r dir1/* dir2/.  // copy files together with directories
unix> rm -rf *  // remove * with 'recursive' and 'force' option -> including directories


unix> find ./ ! -name 'file_name' -exec rm -rf {} \;    // Delete all the files except for the specified files


unix> wc -l TARGET_FILE
=> Count the line number in the TARGET_FILE


** Check disk spaces

// df : disc(file system) capacity -> -h : in easily readable unit ( human )
// du : directory or file size -> -s : specified file or directory 

unix> du -sk FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_NAME  // check disk usage ( s:sum, k:unit=KB )  cf. -m : MB

unix> df -h FILE_NAME  // check disk free


** tar(Tape ARchive), zip

unix> tar cvf TAR_FILE_NAME FILE1 FILE2 ...   // Create tar file

unix> tar xvf TAR_FILE_NAME   // Extract tar file


unix> gzip FILE_NAME
unix> gunzip FILE_NAME


** sed : Stream EDitor

foreach HH (*.v)
 {$HH} > ../{$HH}


cf. -e : There is another target;
sed -e 's/Index/Index_/g' -e 's/Contents/Contents_/g' FILE_NAME


// Substitute
sed 's/Target_String/Replaced_String/' Target_File_Name
 => Replace the Target_String with Replaced_String in the file with Target_File_Name


// Delete
sed '/Target_String/d' Target_File_Name
 => Delete the lines which includes Target_String in the files with Target_File_Name


sed '/Target_String/!d' Target_File_Name
 => Remain the lines which includes Target_String and remove the other lines


sed '1,5d' Target_File_Name : Delete the lines from 1st to 5th


sed '/^$/d Target_File_Name : Remove the empty lines 



** grep : g/re/p = global / regular expression / print


unix> grep pattern_to_be_found File_Name1 File_Name2 ... // To display all the rows including the pattern from the files
      cf. -i option : without case sensitivity
unix> grep -n pattern_to_be_found File_Name   // To check # of pattern in File
unix> grep -l pattern_to_be_found *  // To find a list of files including the pattern in the current directory
unix> grep -r pattern_to_be_found *  // To display strings with the pattern from all the files in the current and the sub directories


cf. if grep does not support '-r' option, then 'find' command can be used to deliver the files in sub-directories

> find -name  "Target_Files" Target_Directory | xargs grep -ni "Target_Pattern"  // find all the files and deliver them as arguments used for 'grep' command

$ grep '^a' File_Name  // To search the rows which starts with 'a'
$ grep '^[ab]' File_Name  // To search the rows which starts with 'a' or [b]
$ grep 'e$' File_Name  // To find the rows which ends with 'e'
$ grep [aA]pple File_Name  // To search the words with 'apple' and 'Apple'


cf. Meta Characters for grep
. :
* :
[] : matched with one of the characters in square brackets
[-] : matched within the ranges of characters in sqaure brackes
^ : first of the string line
$ : last of the string line
-> meta character is recognized as normal character if '\'(backslash) is placed before it
 > grep "\*" file.txt
 > grep "\." file.txt



** Job search and kill 
> jjobs

> jkill <Process ID>



** User group

> newgrp <Account_Name>   // add account to User group
> groups  // Check the user groups


** Make files Executable
> chmod +x



** File search

> find -name "File_Name" -print   // Wild character can be used for File_Name


> find -name "Target_Files" Target_Directory    // find Target_Files from the target directory and its sub-directories

> find -name "Target_Files" Target_Directory -metadepth 2  // find Target_Files from the target directory and its sub-directories whose depth is within 2




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