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문패 달고 보니까 넘 커다란 이름이네요 ^^; 행여 고래 등 사이에 끼인 새우가 되지 않기를 ㅎㅎ 연암은 고미숙님의 '열하일기, 웃음과 역설의 유쾌한 시공간'에서, 다산은 '다산연구소' (http://www.edasan.org)에서 삘 받았슴다. 잼난 놀이터가 되었으면... ^^
by 명랑만화
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02-20 08:17

** vi
- substitution
:start_line,end_line s/object/destination/g
:1,$ s/object/destination/g                      ( -> for all the lines )

- Insertion from file
:r file_name

- Display the Line number
:set nu

- Write to file with line number
:start_line,edn_line w File_Name

- Write to file with marker
'ma' at the start line     // the line is marked as 'a'
'mb' at the end line      // the line is marked as 'b'
:'a,'b w File_Name 

** gvim/gview : Editor

- .gvimrc :

   Set parameters and evironment for gvim, e.g. colors of backgroud and font, highlights, syntax format, etc.
☞ e.g. https://ya-n-ds.tistory.com/1556#comment17238041 

  cf. :set ft=verilog    // Set Syntax format as Verilog


- gvim .   // View files in the current directory 

- Move to a file in the opened file : gf
  Move back to the original file : ctrl+shft+6

- Check difference bewteen 2 files
> gview -d file1 file2
@gview menu -> File -> Split Diff with...

- Column Block Insertion
☞ Place the cursor on the start point of the vertical change → ‘ctrl + v’
☞ Pull down the cursor to the end of the edited line
☞ ‘shift + i’ → Write the characters to be inserted → Esc

- Window Menu
☞ Window ( alt + w ) → Split : Horizontal split
☞ Window ( alt + w ) → (v) Split Vertically
☞ Window ( alt + w ) → (x) Split File Explorer : View of Directory and File



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대한늬우스 (1677)
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차한잔의여유 (64)
La Vita E Bella (230)
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트위터세상 (67)
사람&말 (626)
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