![Article Title](https://tistory1.daumcdn.net/tistory/342254/skin/images/icon_post_title.gif)
1. 명료한 주제
'We Recreate the Cellular Phone' - iPhone
'The Thinnest Notebook in the World' - MacAir
2. Minimalism & Easy Word
- 1 Word or 1 Sentence / 1 Figure or 1 Image / Slide
- 3음절 이상의 난해한 단어 사용 빈도 < 3%
3. Efficiency & Effectiveness - Historical Point of View
- Mac Air from Envelop
- Transition :
1st ( 68K -> Power PC ) / 2nd ( OS9 -> OS10 ) / 3rd ( Power PC -> Intel )
4. 대조법 + Climax
5. Passion
6. Information -> Inspiration
- 1984년 : 매킨토시 -> Change the Computer Industry ( Mouse )
- 2001년 : iPod -> Change the Music Indudtry ( Click Wheel )
- 2007년 : iPhone -> Recreate the phone ( Giant screen without button )
7. Life Itself